








“ 我想说,非常感谢您在过去四年里对我的照顾。我知道我变得不那么有条理,慢慢地给您添了一些麻烦🙂,有您当我的监护人,我真的很开心。我和您一起度过了一个愉快的期中假。祝您暑假愉快,明年顺顺利利,期待再见面。”


Kanami 一直在Shrewsbury学校学习,现在即将返回日本。她的培宝区域经理Gilly看望了Kanami和她的父母,向他们道别。

“感谢您一年来一直支持我。在见到您之前,我真的很紧张,但您的善意让我安心下来,享受在 Shrewsbury的生活。希望有机会再见面!”


Kanami 一直在Shrewsbury学校学习,现在即将返回日本。她的培宝区域经理Gilly看望了Kanami和她的父母,向他们道别。

“感谢您一年来一直支持我。在见到您之前,我真的很紧张,但您的善意让我安心下来,享受在 Shrewsbury的生活。希望有机会再见面!”


Yoyo一直在Cheltenham College学习,她与培宝区域经理Sarah-D 和寄宿家庭一起庆祝她的 A Level考试顺利结束。

“从 2019 年起,当我还是一个刚从中国来到英国开始留学生活的小女孩时,您就是我的区域经理,感谢您如此出色的担任我的监护人。您的照顾和持续的支持帮助我成长成了一名坚强且更加独立的女性。我喜欢在Cheltenham College和寄宿家庭的时光,如果没有您辛勤而真挚的关怀,所有的这些都不可能实现,祝您度过一个愉快的夏天,保持联系!”

(Yoyo给她的区域经理Sarah D的留言)

Yoyo一直在Cheltenham College学习,她与培宝区域经理Sarah-D 和寄宿家庭一起庆祝她的 A Level考试顺利结束。

“从 2019 年起,当我还是一个刚从中国来到英国开始留学生活的小女孩时,您就是我的区域经理,感谢您如此出色的担任我的监护人。您的照顾和持续的支持帮助我成长成了一名坚强且更加独立的女性。我喜欢在Cheltenham College和寄宿家庭的时光,如果没有您辛勤而真挚的关怀,所有的这些都不可能实现,祝您度过一个愉快的夏天,保持联系!”

(Yoyo给她的区域经理Sarah D的留言)

Bernice一直在Sidcot学校上学,刚刚结束了她的A Level考试。她将于 9 月前往普利茅斯大学读书。



“ 非常感谢您这些年来对 Bernice 的照顾。我们非常感谢您为我们家提供了如此高水准的监护服务。还记得在 Covid-19 大流行期间那些艰难的日子,在您们与各方的良好合作下,Bernice 可以顺利地在英国继续她的学业。另外,令我们印象最深刻的是您的拜访报告,您有趣的文章展现了Bernice在学校生活的最真实的一面。”


Queen Margaret’s学校的Jessica在离校音乐会上展示了她惊人的小提琴天赋。Jessica刚刚完成了 A Level考试,今年九月将升入大学。


“ 我参加了一下午的毕业音乐会,多次观看了Jessica的表演,她非常出色!这是我工作中最棒的部分之一,当Jessica九月份去读大学而离开Queen Margaet’s时,我会非常想念她的。”


Queen Margaret’s学校的Jessica在离校音乐会上展示了她惊人的小提琴天赋。Jessica刚刚完成了 A Level考试,今年九月将升入大学。


“ 我参加了一下午的毕业音乐会,多次观看了Jessica的表演,她非常出色!这是我工作中最棒的部分之一,当Jessica九月份去读大学而离开Queen Margaet’s时,我会非常想念她的。”



“ 我们还记得第一次见到Kevin和他妈妈时的情景。当时他还是一个十几岁的孩子,看起来非常稚嫩和紧张,而且非常害羞。但他很快就融入了我们的家庭,喜欢住在我们家。Shu喜欢给他和另一个中国学生做中国菜。Kevin喜欢打网球和乒乓球,他的目标是在这两个活动中都打败Shu,他最后真的做到了!




Muse刚刚完成了她在Cheltenham Ladies’ College的A Level学习。

她的妈妈Susan,为了参加CLC 的毕业生欢送活动在英国待了几天,她邀请Muse的区域经理Jo和她的寄宿家庭一起用晚餐。

在整个 A  Level学习期间,Muse 一直和她的寄宿家庭 Nicky 家住在一起,她们对化学有着共同的热情!Muse 希望从九月份开始去牛津大学读书。


(培宝区域经理Joanne Bagley)

Muse刚刚完成了她在Cheltenham Ladies’ College的A Level学习。

她的妈妈Susan,为了参加CLC 的毕业生欢送活动在英国待了几天,她邀请Muse的区域经理Jo和她的寄宿家庭一起用晚餐。

在整个 A  Level学习期间,Muse 一直和她的寄宿家庭 Nicky 家住在一起,她们对化学有着共同的热情!Muse 希望从九月份开始去牛津大学读书。


(培宝区域经理Joanne Bagley)




Preparing to say goodbye

Preparing to say goodbye

As another school year draws to a close, we find ourselves both happy and sad as we bid farewell to some of our beloved students. It is that time of the year again when our older students spread their wings and venture into the next phase of their lives and University. As we prepare to say goodbye to our bright students, we want to extend our heartfelt gratitude for allowing us to be a part of their incredible journey.

Throughout their time with us, students have grown not only academically but also as individuals. They have formed lasting friendships, cherished memories, and gained valuable life skills. Our Area Managers and host families have said goodbye with pride as they watch them transition to universities, ready to conquer new challenges. We are confident that they will make us proud with their accomplishments.

Below are a small selection of our students’ stories and messages…

Hayden has been studying at Uppingham School and hopes to study Aeronautical Engineering at University.

His Pippa’s Area Manager Sarah recently drove him to the train station to surprise his Mum so he could share the very exciting news that he had just passed his driving test that morning.

Hayden’s parents invited Sarah out for a farewell lunch later that week.


“I just wanted to say a big thank you for the past four years. I know I started off being the organised one and slowly gave you more trouble 🙂 It has been great fun having you as my guardian and I had a lovely time staying with you over half term. I wish you a nice summer and smooth year next year, and we shall see each other very soon.” (Hayden to Sarah, his Pippa’s Area Manager)

Kanami has been studying at Shrewsbury School and is now returning to Japan. Her Pippa’s Area Manager Gilly, visited Kanami and her parents to say a fond farewell.

“Thank you for always supporting me for 1 year. I was really nervous before I met you, but your kindness made me to settle down and enjoy my life in Shrewsbury. Hope to see you again sometime!!” (Kanami to her Pippa’s Area Manager Gilly)

Kanami has been studying at Shrewsbury School and is now returning to Japan. Her Pippa’s Area Manager Gilly, visited Kanami and her parents to say a fond farewell.

“Thank you for always supporting me for 1 year. I was really nervous before I met you, but your kindness made me to settle down and enjoy my life in Shrewsbury. Hope to see you again sometime!!” (Kanami to her Pippa’s Area Manager Gilly)

Yoyo has been studying at Cheltenham College and met up with her Pippa’s Area Manager Sarah D and her Pippa’s host family to celebrate the end of her A level exams.


“Thank you for being such a wonderful guardian since 2019 when I was still a little girl who first came from China to England starting my life studying abroad. Your care and consistent support helped me grow into a stronger, more independent woman. I loved my time at Cheltenham College and with my host family  and all of these could have been realised without your diligent and true care, Have a wonderful summer and stay in touch!” (Yoyo to her Pippa’s Area Manager Sarah D)

Yoyo has been studying at Cheltenham College and met up with her Pippa’s Area Manager Sarah D and her Pippa’s host family to celebrate the end of her A level exams.


“Thank you for being such a wonderful guardian since 2019 when I was still a little girl who first came from China to England starting my life studying abroad. Your care and consistent support helped me grow into a stronger, more independent woman. I loved my time at Cheltenham College and with my host family  and all of these could have been realised without your diligent and true care, Have a wonderful summer and stay in touch!” (Yoyo to her Pippa’s Area Manager Sarah D)

Bernice has been studying at Sidcot School and has just finished her A Levels. She is now heading to Plymouth University in September.

Bernice’s parents and Pippa’s Area Manager Touche, were invited to afternoon tea at her Pippa’s host family’s house to celebrate the end of her exams and the start of her next adventure.


“Thank you very much for your looking after Bernice during these years. We appreciate the delivery of this high-calibre guardianship service to our family. Remembered those tough dates during the Covid-19 pandemic and with your well cooperation with different parties Bernice can continue her education in the UK without problem. The most impressive memory to us was the interview report that showed the most realistic aspect of Bernice in school with your interesting essay.” (Bernice’s parents to Pippa’s Area Manager Touche)

Jessica from Queen Margaret’s School in York showcased her amazing talent on the violin at her Leavers’ concert. Jessica has just finished her A Levels and will be going on to University this September.

Her Area Manager Belinda attended the concert to watch Jessica perform.

“I spent the afternoon at the leavers’ concert and watched Jessica perform several times, she was wonderful! This is one of the best parts of my job and I shall miss Jessica as she leaves Queen Margaret’s for University in September” (Belinda, Jessica’s Area Manager)

Jessica from Queen Margaret’s School in York showcased her amazing talent on the violin at her Leavers’ concert. Jessica has just finished her A Levels and will be going on to University this September.

Her Area Manager Belinda attended the concert to watch Jessica perform.

“I spent the afternoon at the leavers’ concert and watched Jessica perform several times, she was wonderful! This is one of the best parts of my job and I shall miss Jessica as she leaves Queen Margaret’s for University in September” (Belinda, Jessica’s Area Manager)

Kevin has been studying at Shrewsbury School and has spent his school breaks with the same host family since 2019 so they have had a very emotional goodbye but have vowed to stay in touch.


“We remember when we first met Kevin and his mother . He was a young teenager at the time and looked so young and nervous and he was very shy . He soon settled into a routine with our family and enjoyed his visits to our home . Shu loved cooking Chinese food for him and the other students and he loved to play table tennis and table football, his aim was to beat Shu in both activities … which he eventually did !

Kevin has learned the art of making pizzas and has brushed up on bowling and ice skating skills . It’s been a pleasure seeing him grow in confidence… and we have been through so many different hair styles with him too !

Kevin is a polite and helpful young person and we have really enjoyed looking after and supporting him through the years . He has grown into a confident young man who is focused on his studies and future. We are very sad to see him leave us , but extremely happy that he is moving on to more exciting times. We are very proud to have been involved in supporting and providing a warm and comfortable family home for him. We wish him every happiness and success for the future.” (Elaine, Kevin’s host family)

Muse has just finished her A levels after studying at Cheltenham Ladies’ College.

Her Mum, Susan, was in the U.K. for a few days for the CLC leavers’ events and took Muse’s Area Manager Jo and Muse’s host family, out for dinner.

Muse has regularly stayed with Nicky, her host family, throughout her A levels and they share a passion for Chemistry! Muse is hoping to attend Oxford University from September.

“It has been an absolute pleasure getting to know Muse over the past two years and both myself and her host, Nicky, will miss her lots”. (Pippa’s Area Manager Joanne Bagley)

Muse has just finished her A levels after studying at Cheltenham Ladies’ College.

Her Mum, Susan, was in the U.K. for a few days for the CLC leavers’ events and took Muse’s Area Manager Jo and Muse’s host family, out for dinner.

Muse has regularly stayed with Nicky, her host family, throughout her A levels and they share a passion for Chemistry! Muse is hoping to attend Oxford University from September.

“It has been an absolute pleasure getting to know Muse over the past two years and both myself and her host, Nicky, will miss her lots”. (Pippa’s Area Manager Joanne Bagley)

We would like to wish everyone an enjoyable summer. We will be preparing to welcome back our existing students for the new school year.

We are also looking forward to meeting our new students for September and support them from the very beginning of their journey.

To all the Pippa’s students off to University in September- We wish you good luck! Please work hard and stay in touch!

Welcome Event in Hong Kong – A unique and special welcome for our new customers

On Saturday 24th June, Pippa’s Guardians were delighted to host a ‘Welcome Event’ for parents and children living in Hong Kong who have registered to join Pippa’s Guardians in September 2023. The Conrad Hotel in Hong Kong was the perfect venue for the day where we were thrilled to meet around 120 parents and students over the course of the day.


Commencing a UK boarding school education is an exciting but often daunting new experience for parents and children alike and at Pippa’s Guardians our aim is to offer guidance and support every step of the way to help everything go as smoothly as possible. We want to do everything we can to go the extra mile as an experienced and professional AEGIS gold accredited guardianship agency. The purpose of the ‘Welcome Event’ was to prepare parents and students for what lies ahead in September with a focus on pastoral and academic matters.

This unique and personal event was hosted by Pippa’s Guardians Managing Director, Ben Hughes with presentations from Regional Manager, Vicky Dickinson and Dr James Copeland-Jordan, Head of Science, Engineering, Technology and Mathematics from Cheltenham College. Ben, Vicky and James ran 3 seminars across the day, allowing a more intimate experience to listen, ask questions and meet the team on a one-to-one basis to chat and ask advice.

Vicky presented on ‘Preparing for Life at Boarding School’ and explained how an effective support network of Parent, Guardian and School, all working closely together, provides the best care for international students.  She provided step by step guidance on preparations before arriving in the UK and explained how our personal ‘Meet and Greet’ service provides an opportunity to meet with a carefully matched Host Family as well as helping with many important practical matters.

Parents and students appreciated the advice Vicky gave on starting school, with many practical top tips shared so expectations can be managed and understood.

Advice on coping with homesickness, understanding mobile phone policy and common illnesses was particularly reassuring for our new Mums and Dads.

Vicky also spent time talking about living with a Host Family and how we ensure safe and smooth travel arrangements for our students, before concluding with a focus on the importance of good communication with our parents.

As a Cambridge University graduate, James was very well placed to share his knowledge and expertise at our ‘Welcome Event’. He presented on ‘Life at a British Boarding School – An Academic Perspective’ during which he introduced the differences of a UK education and how our new students should be preparing for a ‘different kind of busy’ in their new school careers. He explained how learning works in the UK and the audiences across all the 3 sessions found the explanation of a typical school week and timetable structure to be enlightening. James provided an overview of the UK curriculum and highlighted how demonstrating a sense of curiosity will help students to thrive academically.

Advice on how to prepare academically for the start of the new term was well received as was James’s advice to parents on how best to communicate with school to ensure that their children reach their full potential. The opportunity to ask questions both in the wider group and individually was appreciated by our parents.


We are grateful to everyone who attended the event and gave us such positive feedback. The whole Pippa’s team look forward to welcoming our new parents and students to the UK in September.




Tricia 和 David Riley是培宝的一个寄宿家庭,我们很高兴听他们说,之前在他们家寄宿的学生Yuki最近来看望了他们。

Yuki是一名日本留学生,在他在西萨塞克斯的Christ’s Hospital 学校学习的两年期间,每次放假他都住在Tricia 和David家。在过去的四年里,Yuki一直在伦敦大学学院学习数学和计算机科学,但他和Riley家一直保持着联系。Tricia 和David说:”很高兴与Yuki和他的家人保持联系。我相信未来我们一定会再次见到他们”。

Riley 家是Yuki来到英国读书后的第一个寄宿家庭,Yuki刚刚读完了他的4年大学学位,在回日本前,他想去Riley家看望他们。

Yuki说 “ 我记得我当时很紧张,其实那个感觉大于紧张,但我不知道要怎么表达当时的那种心情。那是我第一次来到英国,在这之前我从来没有离开过父母身边超过2个星期。我不知道怎么说话,也听不懂,所以我没自信和他们讲话。他们特别的热情、友好和帮助我。虽然一开始我的英文不好,但他们仍会经常和我聊天,陪我说话 。”



A happy reunion

Studying abroad as an international student is an incredible opportunity to immerse oneself in a new culture, gain valuable experiences and forge lifelong connections both in and outside of school.

One of the most significant bonds that can be formed during this journey is with a host family – a home away from home. Many of our students stay in touch with their Pippa’s host family, long after they have left school, which is testament to the lasting impact of the experience.

We were delighted to hear from Tricia and David Riley, a Pippa’s host family who recently enjoyed a visit from a student they had previously hosted.

Yuki, a student from Japan, stayed with Tricia and David during school breaks for 2 years whilst he was studying at Christ’s Hospital School in West Sussex.  Yuki has been studying Mathematics and Computer Science at UCL for the last four years, but they have all remained in contact. Tricia and David said “It’s been lovely to stay in touch with him and his family. I’m sure we will be seeing them again in the future.”

The Riley family were the first hosts Yuki had stayed with after coming to the UK to study. Yuki has just completed his four year degree and ensured he paid them a visit before returning back to Japan.

“What I remember is that I was very nervous. It was more than nervous, but I don’t know how I can explain what I felt. This was first time for me to stay in the UK, and I had not experienced living away from my family for longer than two weeks before that. I couldn’t speak or listen in, so I was not confident to communicate with them.  They were welcoming, friendly and supportive. They talked to me a lot even though I was not good at English at the beginning.”

We are incredibly grateful that the Riley family continue to host Pippa’s students. They are one of the many wonderful families we have caring for our students during school breaks.

We would like to wish Yuki all the best for his very bright future!






Sherborne Preparatory 学校的Matthew, Aidan, Jamie 和Charlie 在他们寄宿家庭朋友家的游泳池中愉快地玩耍。

Kingswood 学校的Akria和寄宿家庭一起去Somerset郡美丽的Wells市观光。

Christ’s Hospital 学校的Ethan和他的寄宿家庭一起参加了一个特别的生日派对。



Wesley 和 Euan加入了他们的寄宿家长 Emma的个人训练课,教练Ant让每个人都发挥出自己的能力,大家玩的很开心。

Cothill House学校的Ryoma和Yanbo一起去了Cotswold Wildlife公园,甚至有机会试了试训鹰。

Christ’s Hospital学校的Marco开心地和寄宿家庭一起打乒乓球。


Sherborne Preparatory学校的Jamie参观了埃夫伯里庄园,它是威尔特郡一座16世纪的庄园。

Queen Ethelburga’s学院的Jothur为他的寄宿家庭做了一顿美味的香港鸡肉。



近期,我们在Tewkesbury Park酒店举办了为期两天的培宝全体员工年度会议。此次会议的目的是为了鼓舞和激励我们的敬业团队,同时也强调了为客户提供优质服务的重要性。会议邀请了多位杰出的嘉宾为我们的员工演讲,旨在增强员工的工作能力,提高他们的技能,和进一步加深提供优质客户服务的企业文化。



会议由培宝董事总经理Ben Hughes开幕,他向员工介绍了公司的发展情况和未来计划。虽然优秀的监护仍然是我们努力实现的核心,但我们将在未来几年开发一系列高品质的配套产品和新服务,以进一步满足客户的需求。


Andrew McMillan


Andrew McMillan十多年前创立了 “Engaging Service”公司。在此之前,他在约翰·路易斯(John Lewis)公司工作了28年,从管理培训生开始,到负责整个百货商店部门的客户体验。自Engaging Service公司成立以来,Andrew已经在300多个会议和活动上发表过演讲,并为全球40多个组织提供过咨询服务,这其中即有知名的大型企业,也有中小型企业。

Yoriko Kuroda



Saskia Nishimura


Saskia Nishimura 是一名经验丰富的英语为外语的教师,她曾在英国和日本的私立寄宿学校工作。她的背景涉及艺术和金融服务方面,她的知识跨越了教育,创新和商业领域。Saskia的演讲让我们对那些融入新文化的人有了更多的理解和共鸣,她还介绍了如何在全球社会中建立纽带和加强联系。

Giles Bell


Giles 从1989年起就是Shrewsbury学校的一名老师,曾在1999年至2013年间担任过宿舍主任。他目前是高级招生老师,并前往亚洲和非洲工作。Giles负责帮助学生,确保他们从预科学校顺利地过渡到高中,以及在最终的大学申请中提供帮助,这部分是他演讲的重点。


“ 第一次参加年会,我度过了美妙的时光,我很自豪自己是培宝团队的一员!”
Debbie Simmons,赫特福德郡和剑桥郡的区域经理

“ 女士们和先生们,见到大家真是太棒了,我再次感到备受鼓舞,感谢你们!”
Caroline Heath,切尔滕纳姆的区域经理

Imogen Trevethan,安全主管和合规负责人

“ 很高兴见到Yoriko本人,非常精彩的演讲,对我来说绝对是亮点。”
Touche Hogben,萨默塞特的区域经理




2023年的5月2日,Rryan作为切尔滕纳姆学院 “伟大钢琴协奏曲“ 的一员, 演奏了柴可夫斯基一号钢琴协奏曲。Rryan是切尔滕纳姆学院小交响乐团三名才华横溢的6年级独奏家之一。他的两个寄宿家庭还有他的区域经理Sarah Davies都去现场观看了他的演出。在那里,他们看到大家为Rryan的出色演奏而起立欢呼鼓掌。


A memorable half term

A memorable half term

Staying with a host family offers and unparalleled opportunity for children to immerse themselves in a different culture, traditions and way of live, as well as enjoy some home comforts not available at school.

One of the most rewarding aspects of staying with a host family is the opportunity to build long lasting friendships. The bond between students and their host family goes beyond a holiday and can be a lifelong connection. The May half term offers a chance for students to discover treasures in their host family’s local community. From local festivals and unique attractions to traditional activities with their host family as an enthusiastic guide. These experiences create lasting memories for both the hosts and the students.

Here is what some of our students got up to with their host families this half term…

Matthew, Aidan, Jamie and Charlie study at Port Regis Preparatory and Sherborne Preparatory School. Their host families met up during half term and the boys had great fun playing in a friend’s swimming pool.

Akira from Kingswood School went sightseeing in the beautiful city of Wells in Somerset with his host family.

Ethan from Christ’s Hospital School joined in special birthday celebrations with his host family.

Koi and Michelle from Roedean School making pizzas with all their favourite toppings,

Austin and Ian from Sherborne School went with their host family for a tennis lesson

Wesley and Euan joined their host family Emma, to her personal training session and had great fun as trainer Ant put everyone through their paces.

Ryoma and Yanbo from Cothill House School visited Cotswold Wildlife Park and even had the opportunity to have a go at falconry.

Marco from Christ’s Hospital School enjoyed playing table tennis with host family.

Rosalyn from Brighton College celebrated her 17th birthday with her host family who baked her a delicious chocolate cake.

Jamie from Sherborne Preparatory School visited Avebury Manor, a 16th century manor house in Wiltshire.

Jothur from Queen Ethelburga’s College made his host family a wonderful meal of Hong Kong Chicken.

Alex and Cici from Ellesmere College visited Rhosneigr Beach on Anglesey in North Wales with their host family.

May Half Term Camp

Pippa's Camp Diaries

Dear Parents and Guardians...

The Pippa’s Camps team arrived at Sherborne International School to glorious sunshine where they eagerly awaited the students arrivals.

The camp is organised by Camp Director Louise Hughes (centre) Camp Coordinator Jodie Godliman (right) and Chinese Liaison Officer Eden Yang (left).

The majority of our students attending this camp are preparing for GCSE, A level or Common Entrance examinations as so the focus is heavily on study and revision this time around.  We have a variety of excellent tutors onsite to support students during this important time in the academic year.

 Day One

We kicked off the first day of our half term camp with a study skills workshop which was led by Mr Adib Badri from Eton College.

This interactive workshop looked at:

How to be an effective learner
How and when to revise
Successful study techniques

Later in the day we headed over to the classrooms for self study sessions. Those who wanted to take a break from study, joined a game of football and basketball.

After supper, some students retired to their bedrooms for online lessons or further revision, others took advantage of some social time, competing in a table tennis tournament.

 Day Two

Whilst our camps help students maximise every study opportunity, we do also recognise the importance of rest and relaxation to aid successful learning. On Sunday morning students could therefore remain in their bedrooms during the morning if they wished. Some of our students studied in their bedrooms, some enjoyed basketball in the sunshine, whilst others simply had a lie in, ready to focus in the afternoon study sessions.

Every afternoon we offer students a choice of activities if they wish to take a break from their school work. Sunday afternoon’s choices were indoor climbing, football, art (glass painting) and badminton.

Later in the evening, our students divided into teams to compete in a scavenger hunt, using their problem solving skills to race to the finish.

 Day Three

On Monday morning our camp tutors arrived in the study centre ready to support our students. Academic consultations were available for mathematics, french, spanish, arabic, german, physics, chemistry and biology.

Our choice of activities for the afternoon included swimming, basketball, netball and tag rugby. Although many of our hardworking students opted to remain in the study centre.

 Day Four

Our camp tutors returned to the study centre providing academic consultations and 1:1 support in mathematics, english, french, spanish, arabic, german, physics, chemistry and biology.

Our choice of activities for the afternoon included tennis, badminton, gym, climbing and music practice.  Students were also able to remain in the study centre and revise if they wanted to.
In the evening, our students cooled off from the sunny weather with an ice cream and movie night.

 Day Five

Our camp tutors returned to the study centre providing academic consultations and 1:1 support in mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology.

After our morning study sessions, some of our students joined a guided tour of Sherborne Abbey. A beautiful and historic building founded in 705AD. We then enjoyed an ice cream before heading back to camp.

We also had a cookery and biscuit decorating class with some tasty treats for all the students to enjoy.

 Day Six

Our students have been making the most of the camp tutors. From revision of tricky subjects, past papers and proof reading to conversation practice and essay writing.

Many students joined our optional shopping trip today to Clarks village where they also enjoyed ice creams and bubble tea.

It was a warm evening so we had lots of fun playing water dodgeball outside on the lawn.

 Day Seven

Science tuition was available for students during their final study session as this was by far the most popular subject requested during camp. Academic consultations and past papers were available all morning.

In the afternoon students who were not studying played netball or enjoyed a textiles lesson outside on the lawn where they designed and created their own pillowcases. We also had students go to their music centre to practice their instruments.

 Day Eight

During our final full day at camp, some students took advantage of a lie in so they could return to school rested. Others who were early risers went to the school gym or studied.

Later that afternoon students played badminton and tennis or showed their talents in an art class.

On Saturday we were celebrating a student’s birthday, so our final evening was a joint farewell and birthday party. We had party games and music in the hall for students with prizes for the winners of the games.

 Day Nine

Students bid each other a fond farewell as they departed camp to return to their own schools. New friendships had been formed and we hope they will reunite at the next Pippa’s camp.