
Mr Ben Hughes
Managing Director
Pippa’s Guardians

Mrs Vicky Dickinson
Regional Manager
Pippa’s Guardians

Dr James Copeland-Jordan
Head of Science
Cheltenham College

Preparing for life at Boarding School

Vicky Dickinson

Regional Manager, Pippa’s Guardians

I know how you are feeling!

Henry and Charlie Dickinson (Oundle School, September 2015)

Your childs support network

Before you arrive in the UK

  • Student Profile

  • School Guardianship Agreement

  • Organising School Uniform – Name labels!

  • What to bring with you…or not!

  • Bank Account – Open at HSBC in Hong Kong

  • Insurance from school

  • Medication

Your Meet and Greet

  • Personal welcome with your Area Manager

  • Meet your Host Family

  • Set up a UK SIM card

  • Assist with uniform and equipment purchase

  • Share top tips about your school

  • Answer all your questions

  • Take lots of photos!

Tadd and Ron

August 2016

July 2022

Ron described his host family as ‘the grandparents I never had’ and Tadd vowed to return for Christmas lunch.

Starting School

  • School ‘Welcome Packs’

  • Mobile phones

  • School rules, rewards and sanctions

  • Common illnesses

  • Homesickness and calls home

  • Terminology

  • Be prepared for new experiences and being busy!

Staying with a Host Family

  • How we match a Host Family

  • Own bedroom

  • Study space and study time

  • Food and mealtimes

  • Joining in with activities and conversations

  • House rules and good manners

  • Damages and breakages

Safe and smooth travel

  • Keeping your child safe

  • Sharing final plans with your Area Manager

  • Chaperones and Pippa’s Drivers

  • Taxis are charged at cost

  • Unaccompanied Minors – request service

  • Passports, BRP’s and travel plans

  • Duty Phone 24/7 support


  • Area Manager – Personal point of contact

  • WhatsApp and Email

  • 24/7 Duty Support Phone (Calls)

  • Social media and website

  • Twice termly visits and reports

  • Student engagement with Area Manager

  • School communications and online forms

Your child will thrive pastorally and academically as a result of the close partnership that we develop as Parent, Guardian and School.

Thank you and Good Luck!