How it works
To enquire about a suitable tutor for your child, you will just need to send us a few details of your requirements and we will do the rest for you. Enquire here
Once we receive your enquiry form, we will look at our tutors and find the best match for your child.
Once your child has been matched with a tutor, they will make contact via email to confirm arrangements for the first tutor session. Multiple sessions can also be booked at this point if preferred.
The session will take place online as planned and a feedback report can be requested if required. The tutor will send out a link to the session via email.
As we already have a deposit account for each student, payments to tutors will be made directly from this account; there is no need to enter any payment card details on line. We may request that this account is topped up if several tutoring sessions are booked.
Our Tutors
As part of our vetting process, each tutor is interviewed to make sure they are the right fit for your child and for Pippa’s Guardians. We engage with tutors who are graduates of Russell Group Universities or highly experienced private tutors who come to us with excellent reviews.
All tutoring sessions will take place on-line.
Enquire about a tutor
Interested in becoming a Tutor?
Create an account with us, fill in your profile and we’ll get in touch to arrange an interview.