Pippa’s Guardians Annual Conference has just taken place in the stunning Stanbrook Abbey near Malvern. The two-day event gave the opportunity for all Area Managers to come together with the Head Office Staff and undergo valuable training sessions and workshops on a variety of topics.
The first afternoon saw presentations from the Head Office team on Safeguarding, Operations, Travel and Finance. These informative sessions provided updates and training for the Area Managers on company policy and systems. A wonderful dinner, in the Callow Great Hall (the former chapel) was the perfect end to the first afternoon and we were delighted to be joined by Pippa, who founded Pippa’s Guardians in 1997.
“Navigating the Mental Health Minefield” was the focus of the training for the second day. To follow on from our initial training last year, we again welcomed the Olive Branch Consultancy to take us through developing further Mental Health Skills. The workshop firstly gave staff an opportunity to consider their own well-being and the importance of staying healthy. The speakers then addressed the issues facing adolescents today and how to spot the risks to their health. For our international students, who are dealing with the added problem of homesickness and cultural barriers, it is ever more important to explore strategies to guide them. Discussion amongst colleagues who have a wealth of information between them proved invaluable. Blowing mini bubbles to energise, practising mindfulness, creating a soothe box, questioning and listening techniques were all used as ways to consider mental health issues.
On the afternoon agenda were further presentations from company staff on the recent summer school, the new University Application Service and we also enjoyed a question and answer session with one of our Japanese students and a host family. There was plenty to be learnt as staff had the opportunity to find out what would help students to settle in more quickly when they first arrive, and anything that would make boarding school life easier for them especially in the early days. Our lovely host family meanwhile explained why they enjoy hosting, the impressive level of support they receive and the pleasure they have found in having young people stay with them.
Overall, the conference provided two days of useful training, informative workshops and a chance for the team to reflect on the past year and prepare for the next.