


4-6 年级(9-11 岁)


  • 旅途全程陪伴:若您的孩子以无人陪伴未成年人的身份出行,培宝 的工作人员会在其抵达时迎接,并安全护送孩子前往学校。在孩子返程时,同样会悉心照料,将孩子送至值机柜台,并留在机场,确保航班准时起飞。
  • 家校往返无忧:往返寄宿家庭的行程也会得到妥善安排与严格管理。
  • 活动严格监管:学校或寄宿家庭之外的所有活动,均需获得区域经理和家长的批准,且孩子必须始终由经过批准的成年人陪同。
  • 定期关怀沟通:培宝的区域经理会与您的孩子及其所在学校保持定期联系,每学期实地拜访两次,了解孩子的学习进展和身心健康状况。

7-8 年级(11-12 岁)

处于这一年龄段的孩子,我们为其提供的支持力度依旧保持在最高水平,与 4 – 6 年级所获的照料极为相似,只是在细节上稍作调整,以此契合他们不断变化的需求。

  • 全方位关怀引导:我们的区域经理会持续助力孩子解决在思乡情绪、人际交往以及学业等方面遇到的困扰。
  • 密切沟通参与:区域经理每学期实地探访两次,若有必要,还会参与家长会以及学校活动,以便更全面地了解孩子情况。
  • 出行保障安排:所有行程都有妥善规划,无论是孩子以无人陪伴未成年人的身份往返机场,还是往返寄宿家庭,安全始终是首要考量。
  • 出行陪伴要求:孩子离开学校或寄宿家庭外出时,身边必须有负责的成年人陪同,确保孩子的安全与行为规范。

9-11 年级(13-15 岁)


  • 适度自主安排:即便培宝的区域经理仍要求您的孩子详尽报备出行去向、交通方式以及同行人员,但在既定的时间范围内,孩子们可以独自或是与朋友在当地的特定地点自由活动 。
  • 针对性成长引导:区域经理的工作重点会转移到协助孩子确定 GCSE 考试科目、应对压力以及维护良好的人际关系上。
  • 持续关怀陪伴:我们依旧每学期探访您的孩子两次,区域经理也会随时为他们提供所需的支持与帮助。

12-13 年级(16-18 岁)


  • 日常规范与安全保障:学生仍需随身携带电话,以便在遇到突发情况时能及时求助。同时,离开学校或寄宿家庭外出时,必须严格遵守事先约定好的回家时间。
  • 拓展活动与丰富经历:经家长同意后,学生可以和朋友前往更远的地方进行一日游。走出熟悉的小圈子,到英国的某个城市旅行,这种体验能让他们接触到不同的人和事,成为他们成长过程中难得且受欢迎的经历。
  • 助力应对学业压力:12-13 年级阶段学业压力增大,区域经理能够极大地帮助学生提升应对这些额外压力的能力。一直以来陪伴在学生身边的区域经理,会给学生带来安全感,让他们在这个紧张关键的时期保持情绪稳定,进而在学业上取得优异成绩。
  • 规划未来发展方向:在这一阶段,我们支持的重点在于提供实用的建议和给予情感上的支持,帮助学生为未来的人生道路做好充分准备。无论是选择进入大学深造、休学一年去丰富阅历,还是直接步入职场开启职业生涯,我们都将为他们提供全方位的帮助。

在孩子成长的每一个阶段,培宝监护始终密切关注他们的动态,依据其不断变化的需求灵活调整监护策略。从悉心的关怀照料,到耐心的引导启发,再到合理给予探索世界的自由空间,培宝监护致力于全方位护航,为孩子们的茁壮成长提供坚实保障 。



送孩子入读英国寄宿学校,是一个能带来深远且持久益处的重要决定。英国坐拥全球顶尖的古老学府,这些教育机构声名卓著,以卓越的学术成果、多元的课程体系,以及对学生个人成长的高度重视而闻名于世。 那么,英国教育究竟能为您的孩子带来哪些实实在在的好处呢?










对于在英国修读 A Level 课程或国际文凭(IB)的学生而言,升入英国大学是顺理成章之事。众多英国高校,像牛津大学和剑桥大学,凭借其悠久历史与卓越学术成就,在全球范围内备受尊崇。入读英国学校,能为您的孩子创造进入英国大学,或其他享有盛誉的学府(比如美国常春藤盟校)的绝佳机会。英国的教育机构会全力确保您的孩子在申请过程中占据优势,赋予他们所需的知识与技能。




How guardianship changes over time

Pippa's provides the right care at the right time

With Pippa’s Guardians, your child is cared for by a dedicated Area Manager from the moment they join us until they leave school. The care provided is a constant throughout, but how this care and support is delivered adapts to suit each child’s needs at every stage of their time with Pippa’s.

Years 4-6 (Ages 9-11)

At this age, children need extra care and support as they adjust to a new country and school environment.

  • If your child is travelling as an unaccompanied minor, a Pippa’s Guardians representative will meet them at arrivals and safely escort them to school. The same care is provided for their return journey, taking them to the check in desk, and remaining at the airport to ensure their flight leaves on time.
  • Travel to and from host families is managed with the same diligence.
  • All activities outside school or host family must be approved by their Area Manager and parents, and children are always accompanied by an approved adult..
  • Pippa’s Area Managers maintain regular contact with your child and their school, visiting twice each term to check on their progress and well-being.

Years 7-8 (Ages 11-12)

The level of support remains high at this age and very similar to the care provided for Years 4-6, evolving slightly to meet their changing needs.

  • Our Area Managers continue to provide assistance with challenges like homesickness, friendship issues, or academic concerns when visiting them at school
  • They visit twice per term and can attend parents evenings and events if required
  • All travel is organised, whether that is to and from the airport as an unaccompanied minor or to and from the host family. Safety is paramount.
  • Children are required to be accompanied by a responsible adult when away from school or their host family’s home.

Years 9-11 (Ages 13-15)

During these years, children often gain confidence and start to explore their independence.

  • While Pippa’s still require details of where your child is going, how they will get there, and with whom, they are allowed to enjoy time on their own or with friends at a local location for an agreed period of time.
  • Area Managers shift focus to help with decisions about GCSE subjects, managing stress, and maintaining friendships.
  • Your child is still visited twice a term and their Area Manager is there to support them at any time.

Years 12-13 (Ages 16-18)

In their final years of school, students prepare for adulthood, and our approach reflects their growing maturity. The Area Manager’s relationship evolves from that of a parental figure to more of a supportive friend, offering emotional guidance and encouragement.

  • Students are still expected to carry a phone for emergencies and adhere to agreed times to return home when away from school or their host family.
  • They can enjoy day trips with friends further afield, with parental agreement, so a trip to one of our cities can be a welcome change.
  • An Area Manager can make an enormous difference to a child’s ability to cope with the added pressures that sixth form brings – the security of having someone who has been by their side throughout their school days can give your child the stability they need to excel at this stressful time.
  • At this stage, our support focuses on offering practical advice, emotional support, and preparing them for the next steps, whether that’s university, a gap year, or entering the workforce.

Through every stage of your child’s journey, Pippa’s adapts to their changing needs, providing the care, guidance, and freedom they require to thrive.

What are the benefits of a UK education?

What are the benefits of a UK education?

Sending your child to a UK boarding school is a decision that can have profound and lasting benefits. The UK is home to some of the world’s oldest and most prestigious educational institutions, renowned for their academic excellence, broad curriculum, and emphasis on personal growth. So, how does this benefit your child?

The best teachers

The UK is known for its wonderful schools that give your child the highest standard of teaching and support them to do their very best. The teachers know what your child needs to learn and can guide them in the right way. If your aim is for your child to go to a top university, you are giving them the best start.


Small classes

Class sizes are smaller, giving your child more focused attention and helping them to develop in their own way. This support, especially for children who are living far from home, is crucial to help them feel settled and looked after, while they adjust to their new surroundings. The small classes allow for very tailored teaching and ensure that your child is being taught everything they need to excel.


Personal development

The extra-curricular activities offered in sports, music and drama give your child a way to develop other skills such as teamwork and leadership, valued in key careers such as medicine and law. Being part of an orchestra and playing music to an audience is a wonderful experience that develops confidence and skill. Playing rugby for a team inspires pride in how actions can influence a result.

University access

There is also a natural journey for students studying A level or IB in the UK to go to a UK university, many that are respected worldwide for their history and academic excellence such as Oxford and Cambridge. Going to a UK school will give your child the best chance to go to a UK university, or another well respected institution such as an Ivy League US university. They will ensure your child has the best chance in the application process, giving them the knowledge and skills needed.

But a UK education also gives a broadening of knowledge, not just academically but socially and emotionally. The people they meet and the places they visit will all have an impact on the sort of person they will be when they leave school.


A multi-cultural environment

The UK is an incredibly diverse community, and most schools will have pupils from across the globe. The wonderful friends your child will make from different countries with different cultures at the school and outside will open their eyes to the world and give them a whole new way of thinking about life.
A UK education is respected across the world. You have given your child the best start any parent could want.




马尔文中学 – 2024年11月18日星期一 – 披萨与乒乓球比赛之夜

在这个充满欢声笑语的夜晚到来之前,雪花已经飘落了好几天,为区域经理Sarah Checketts和Vicki Wallace以及培宝的10名学生之间的聚会增添了梦幻般的节日氛围。聚会在宿舍楼的公共休息室举行,那里拥有最适合进行乒乓球和台球比赛的设施!

马尔文中学 – 2024年11月18日星期一 – 披萨与乒乓球比赛之夜

在这个充满欢声笑语的夜晚到来之前,雪花已经飘落了好几天,为区域经理Sarah Checketts和Vicki Wallace以及培宝的10名学生之间的聚会增添了梦幻般的节日氛围。聚会在宿舍楼的公共休息室举行,那里拥有最适合进行乒乓球和台球比赛的设施!



布莱顿学院 – 2024年11月27日星期三 – 圣诞节日美食之夜


布莱顿学院 – 2024年11月27日星期三 – 圣诞节日美食之夜


































在切尔滕纳姆学院,Ada和Ava正忙于为圣诞毛衣日做准备。在假期期间,她们得到了寄宿家庭Sian Davies的支持,帮助她们挑选秘密圣诞老人礼物。她们还利用包装纸和手工艺材料,精心装饰自己的礼物,使其更加美观。



在切尔滕纳姆学院,Ada和Ava正忙于为圣诞毛衣日做准备。在假期期间,她们得到了寄宿家庭Sian Davies的支持,帮助她们挑选秘密圣诞老人礼物。她们还利用包装纸和手工艺材料,精心装饰自己的礼物,使其更加美观。


最近,The Elms 学校举办了一场圣诞集市,为大家提供了一个挑选节日礼物的绝佳机会,同时也营造了浓厚的节日氛围。此外,Cothill House 的学生们还与区域经理Julie一起度过了一个充满圣诞游戏的愉快夜晚。

最近,The Elms 学校举办了一场圣诞集市,为大家提供了一个挑选节日礼物的绝佳机会,同时也营造了浓厚的节日氛围。此外,Cothill House 的学生们还与区域经理Julie一起度过了一个充满圣诞游戏的愉快夜晚。

Blundell学校的学生Lottie正在欣赏一棵华丽装饰的圣诞树,而Port Regis的学生们则与他们的区域经理Rose一起庆祝节日聚会。

Blundell学校的学生Lottie正在欣赏一棵华丽装饰的圣诞树,而Port Regis的学生们则与他们的区域经理Rose一起庆祝节日聚会。



Port Regis 的学生们在风雨中热情参与了圣诞老人欢乐跑!区域经理 Rose 在一旁为他们加油助威。

Port Regis 的学生们在风雨中热情参与了圣诞老人欢乐跑!区域经理 Rose 在一旁为他们加油助威。

How your child will celebrate Christmas at school

How your child will celebrate Christmas at school

Christmas in the UK is something special. The traditions, the history, the food, the lights! Every school will embrace this wonderfully uplifting holiday that marks the end of the Michaelmas term, and your child will be immersed in everything to do with Christmas. It is an opportunity for students and staff to get together before the holidays and they will certainly know how to put on a celebration!

Christmas decorations

Your child’s school and house will be transformed with Christmas trees covered in fairy lights and tinsel – your child might have helped. Festive wreaths will be placed on doors, which students might have created in art lessons.


Christmas services and events

Many schools, particularly those with a Christian heritage, hold Christmas services or carol concerts in their chapels, singing traditional hymns and carols, and reading festive prayers. Schools also enjoy Christmas Fairs, with games, festive treats, and a chance to buy some Christmas presents for friends and family. Your child’s school may also have a Christmas play or a festive music concert that your child could take part in or go with friends and support. They might be recorded so you could enjoy them yourself!

Christmas decorations

Your child’s school and house will be transformed with Christmas trees covered in fairy lights and tinsel – your child might have helped. Festive wreaths will be placed on doors, which students might have created in art lessons.


Christmas services and events

Many schools, particularly those with a Christian heritage, hold Christmas services or carol concerts in their chapels, singing traditional hymns and carols, and reading festive prayers. Schools also enjoy Christmas Fairs, with games, festive treats, and a chance to buy some Christmas presents for friends and family. Your child’s school may also have a Christmas play or a festive music concert that your child could take part in or go with friends and support. They might be recorded so you could enjoy them yourself!

Christmas food

A Christmas lunch or dinner, with traditional turkey, stuffing and Christmas pudding, is a tradition not to be missed! Your child might have to wear a Christmas jumper and wear a colourful paper hat – there will be some funny photos – keep a look out on school social media!


Boarding House fun

Your child’s house will have their own celebrations specifically for their students. They could go out for a Christmas meal, have a secret Santa – where each child buys a little fun gift and gives it anonymously to another child – or spend time decorating the house with tinsel and lights. Your child will be living and breathing Christmas!

Christmas food

A Christmas lunch or dinner, with traditional turkey, stuffing and Christmas pudding, is a tradition not to be missed! Your child might have to wear a Christmas jumper and wear a colourful paper hat – there will be some funny photos – keep a look out on school social media!


Boarding House fun

Your child’s house will have their own celebrations specifically for their students. They could go out for a Christmas meal, have a secret Santa – where each child buys a little fun gift and gives it anonymously to another child – or spend time decorating the house with tinsel and lights. Your child will be living and breathing Christmas!

Supporting the community

Many schools ensure their pupils understand the meaning of Christmas by asking them to give back to the community through fundraising or charity giving such as providing care parcels to the poor. Volunteering to visit care homes and those living alone is also a wonderful thing that your child could do to support their local community.

Your child’s school will be sensitive to the cultural and religious diversity of its students and if your child or some of their friends do not celebrate Christmas, it is still a time that gives a sense of belonging and community. The traditions your child experiences at school at this time of the year will hopefully become cherished memories for them and for you.

Supporting the community

Many schools ensure their pupils understand the meaning of Christmas by asking them to give back to the community through fundraising or charity giving such as providing care parcels to the poor. Volunteering to visit care homes and those living alone is also a wonderful thing that your child could do to support their local community.

Your child’s school will be sensitive to the cultural and religious diversity of its students and if your child or some of their friends do not celebrate Christmas, it is still a time that gives a sense of belonging and community. The traditions your child experiences at school at this time of the year will hopefully become cherished memories for them and for you.

Here are some specific things that Pippa’s students have been enjoying this term:

Here are Ada and Ava considering the options for Christmas jumper day at Cheltenham College. The girls were supported by their host family Sian Davies during the exeat break. This allowed them to purchase their Secret Santa gifts and they used the wrapping paper and craft items to make their gifts look gorgeous.

Coti and Freya from King’s School Bruton decorated the tree at their host family’s house over the exeat weekend.

Here are some specific things that Pippa’s students have been enjoying this term:

Here are Ada and Ava considering the options for Christmas jumper day at Cheltenham College. The girls were supported by their host family Sian Davies during the exeat break. This allowed them to purchase their Secret Santa gifts and they used the wrapping paper and craft items to make their gifts look gorgeous.

Coti and Freya from King’s School Bruton decorated the tree at their host family’s house over the exeat weekend.

The Elms School recently enjoyed its school Christmas Fair – an opportunity to get some Christmas presents for family and soak up the festive atmosphere. And there was an evening of Christmas games with Area Manager Julie for these students at Cothill House.

The Elms School recently enjoyed its school Christmas Fair – an opportunity to get some Christmas presents for family and soak up the festive atmosphere. And there was an evening of Christmas games with Area Manager Julie for these students at Cothill House.

Here is Blundell’s student Lottie enjoying the beautifully decorated tree at Blundell’s, and Port Regis students enjoying a festive get together with their Area Manager, Rose.

Here is Blundell’s student Lottie enjoying the beautifully decorated tree at Blundell’s, and Port Regis students enjoying a festive get together with their Area Manager, Rose.

Area Managers Gemma and Julie attended school carol services – Gemma went to support her students at Carols by Candlelight at King’s College Taunton, and Julie attended the Downe House carol service.

Area Managers Gemma and Julie attended school carol services – Gemma went to support her students at Carols by Candlelight at King’s College Taunton, and Julie attended the Downe House carol service.

Port Regis students took part in a Santa Fun Run in between the wind and rain! Area Manager Rose was there to cheer them along.

Port Regis students took part in a Santa Fun Run in between the wind and rain! Area Manager Rose was there to cheer them along.

Seasonal socials

Seasonal socials

Pippa’s Guardians’ Area Managers love to visit their students, to get to know them really well, and spoil them once in a while! Both Brighton and Malvern College students were recently treated to evening get-togethers with their local Area Managers.

Malvern – Monday 18th November 2024 – Pizza and table tennis tournament night

The snow had been falling for a few days prior to this full-filled evening together, providing a fantastic festive feel for the gathering between Area Managers, Sarah Checketts and Vicki Wallace, and 10 Pippa’s students. The gathering was held in School House Common Room, where they have the best set up for a table tennis and pool tournament!

The snow had been falling for a few days prior to this full-filled evening together, providing a fantastic festive feel for the gathering between Area Managers, Sarah Checketts and Vicki Wallace, and 10 Pippa’s students. The gathering was held in School House Common Room, where they have the best set up for a table tennis and pool tournament!

Sarah and Vicki agree that it was a great opportunity for everyone to meet students from other year groups and houses, and it was lovely to see everyone chatting together and making new friends. It was an evening of catching up on everyone’s news, eating delicious food and playing games, which all got quite competitive!! The treat for supper went down particularly well with the boys – pizza, with some Christmas chocolate for dessert. What a fantastic evening, and one which Sarah and Vicki are hoping to repeat again soon.

Sarah and Vicki agree that it was a great opportunity for everyone to meet students from other year groups and houses, and it was lovely to see everyone chatting together and making new friends. It was an evening of catching up on everyone’s news, eating delicious food and playing games, which all got quite competitive!! The treat for supper went down particularly well with the boys – pizza, with some Christmas chocolate for dessert. What a fantastic evening, and one which Sarah and Vicki are hoping to repeat again soon.

Brighton – Wednesday 27th November 2024 – Festive treats night

Pippa’s students from Brighton College enjoyed an evening of Christmas treats at the College’s fantastic Smith Café, which had been beautifully decorated for the festive season. Area Managers for Sussex, Elaine Allen and Sarah Garnett, met with 10 students for fruit punch, mince pies and a good catch up. A lovely time was had by all, in a truly wonderful atmosphere, and as they said goodbye at the end of the evening, students were given festive goody bags containing even more treats!

Pippa’s students from Brighton College enjoyed an evening of Christmas treats at the College’s fantastic Smith Café, which had been beautifully decorated for the festive season. Area Managers for Sussex, Elaine Allen and Sarah Garnett, met with 10 students for fruit punch, mince pies and a good catch up. A lovely time was had by all, in a truly wonderful atmosphere, and as they said goodbye at the end of the evening, students were given festive goody bags containing even more treats!

Elaine and Sarah really enjoyed meeting up with all of their students at once as it gave them all the opportunity to meet each other, regardless of what year or house they are in. Elaine and Sarah are very much looking forward to hosting another Pippa’s Guardians event at Brighton College soon.

Elaine and Sarah really enjoyed meeting up with all of their students at once as it gave them all the opportunity to meet each other, regardless of what year or house they are in. Elaine and Sarah are very much looking forward to hosting another Pippa’s Guardians event at Brighton College soon.

学业成功的基石 - 人文关怀与支持

学业成功的基石 - 人文关怀与支持

















今年11月初,培宝监护在东京举行了第二届英国寄宿学校博览会(https://bbsfjapan.com/)。Ben Hughes 对展会的内容和流程进行了如下介绍:





与培宝监护的合作非常顺利,BBSFJ 2024 的组织工作也非常出色。此次展会让我们与许多重视孩子在英国独立学校教育的日本家庭建立了良好的联系。我们期待明年再次参与展会。







Abingdon School

Blundell’s School

Brighton College

Cheltenham College

Cheltenham College Prep

Charterhouse School

Cheltenham Ladies’ College

Christ’s Hospital

Clifton College

Cottesmore School

Culford School

King’s School Canterbury

Malvern College

Millfield School

Millfield Prep

Rugby School

Sevenoaks Schol

Stowe School

Wellington School

如果您想了解培宝监护如何协助贵校从日本招收学生,请联系Ben Hughes,邮箱是Ben@pippasguardians.co.uk。

